Business Wills

When creating a Business Will there are a few more things to consider compared to creating a personal Will.

When you are focused on the day to day running of your business you don’t always think about what if I am not here or what will happen to your business regarding your decisions, orders to fulfil, outstanding invoices, the list can be endless for those left behind.

Not having a business Will in place can really exasperate a situation you are not there to resolve but with some forward planning, we can make any decisions or resolutions you want actioned a lot clearer and easier to implement.

We will examine the value of the business; its structure, whether it is a sole trader, limited company or partnership agreement.

Some question you may wish to ask yourself is, why have you been doing what you are doing? What is your end goal?

These are just few examples of the questions we will ask to get an understanding of you, your business, and your objectives.

Between us we will establish your business Will so we can cover off any uncertainties.